De Quervain syndrome, also known as washerwoman's sprain, radial styloid tenosynovitis, de Quervain disease, or mother's wrist is an inflammation or a tendinosis of the tunnel that surrounds two tendons that control movement of the thumb.The cause of de Quervain's disease is not known. In medical terms, it remains idiopathic.
Some claim that this diagnosis should be included among overuse injuries and that repetitive movements of the thumb are a contributing factor, but there are no scientific data that support a link between hand use and de Quervain's. A common cause today in the technology age is typing on handheld devices, which has led to the condition being dubbed "Blackberry Thumb".
Πλύστρα εν είμαι, μάνα εν είμαι, εν εγινετουν να έχω τζι εγώ έναν μπλάκμπερι τουλάχιστον αφού την έχω που την έχω την γέριμην την μαλακίαν στο σhέριν; (Ελπίζω τωρά με την εγχείρηση να φύει το κακόν...:S)